
关于手机的那点事。 最后寻思到要折腾一个新的诺基亚E72手机,不过现在市场太乱,不知道该怎么样下手,只好进行几次的人肉搜索,反正上网也不需要成本的,反正瞎折腾。 全国入网网站查得到串号,手机上*#06# : http://www.numberingplans.com/?page=analysis&# … 继续阅读“关于手机的那点事~!~”

O&O Defrag 12《O&O磁盘整理软件》附注册码 pro & server

Fragmented files drastically slow down the computers in a company and inhibit their performance. O&O Defrag 12 for Windows-Server optimizes your hard disks and packs file fragments securely back together again.

All your system’s files will be sorted according to their intended use and frequency of access, and then separated into their own section of the hard disk (drive zones) O&O Defrag 12 introduces 3 new defragmentation methods that are a perfect combination with all the previous methods and what’s more, also allow the user to classify a system’s existing files. As a result, your system will start up noticeably faster, and any sudden increase in fragmentation will be prevented.

Combined with the O&O Enterprise Management Console it is possible to manage O&O Defrag from one central location in the network. Get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to show you how easy it is to make O&O Enterprise Management Console 3 part of your company!

Fragmented files drastically slow down the computers in a company and inhibit their performance. O&O Defrag 12 for Windows-Server optimizes your hard disks and packs file fragments securely back together again.

All your system’s files will be sorted according to their intended use and frequency of access, and then separated into their own section of the hard disk (drive zones) O&O Defrag 12 introduces 3 new defragmentation methods that are a perfect combination with all the previous methods and what’s more, also allow the user to classify a system’s existing files. As a result, your system will start up noticeably faster, and any sudden increase in fragmentation will be prevented.

Combined with the O&O Enterprise Management Console it is possible to manage O&O Defrag from one central location in the network. Get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to show you how easy it is to make O&O Enterprise Management Console 3 part of your company!


[color=Red]加载IMG文件修改Menu.gz文件 如果Menu.gz不能打开,那么修改menu.lst然后用7z压缩成Menu.gz[/color] 用记事本打开menu.lst,看菜单前几行, 如果是:fontfile /Boot/menu.gz,则是字体文件; 如果是:splashim … 继续阅读“修改晨枫加载”

飞鱼星路由 arp 批处理

@echo off
arp -d
ping -n 1 www.tom.com
if exist ipconfig.txt del ipconfig.txt
ipconfig /all >ipconfig.txt

@echo off
arp -d
ping -n 1 www.tom.com
if exist ipconfig.txt del ipconfig.txt
ipconfig /all >ipconfig.txt





    说起来真的很诡异,帮某网吧配了台S3200 + 4G DDRII800 + 2X500G做游戏服务器,为了方便我把另一网吧的WIN2003随手拷过去就装了,GHOST完也不用装驱动,可是奇怪的事情就发生了,装完易游后用客户机测速只有2M/S,排除网络问题后,把故障定位在服务器上,用HDTUNE一测,乖乖~无论任何一个盘读取速度都只有2-3M/S,还是新配的机器!我RI!卸载易游服务端无果,无计可施的情况下还原了系统,这回正常了。顺着思路回想操作,最后发觉是自己在BOOT.INI中加了/PAE参数所致,询问了一下别人,都不明白为什么。


    说起来真的很诡异,帮某网吧配了台S3200 + 4G DDRII800 + 2X500G做游戏服务器,为了方便我把另一网吧的WIN2003随手拷过去就装了,GHOST完也不用装驱动,可是奇怪的事情就发生了,装完易游后用客户机测速只有2M/S,排除网络问题后,把故障定位在服务器上,用HDTUNE一测,乖乖~无论任何一个盘读取速度都只有2-3M/S,还是新配的机器!我RI!卸载易游服务端无果,无计可施的情况下还原了系统,这回正常了。顺着思路回想操作,最后发觉是自己在BOOT.INI中加了/PAE参数所致,询问了一下别人,都不明白为什么。




/ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address=收银机IP dst-address=点卡网站IP protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=accept comment="" disabled=no
首先允许收银台机器能上某个IP网站 (当然,你也可以添加多个允许的其他IP地址)


/ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address=收银机IP dst-address=点卡网站IP protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=accept comment="" disabled=no
首先允许收银台机器能上某个IP网站 (当然,你也可以添加多个允许的其他IP地址)

解析主流SAS RAID卡技术

是企业及用户进行信息的重要设备之一,既然要进行数据就自然免不了数据,这里除了硬盘的、可靠性之外,RAID卡本身的性能和特点往往会被一些用户忽视,而厂商为节约成本也会搭配一些比较入门级甚至一些小品牌的RAID卡产品,在使用过程中出现问题时用户也只是把关注的重点放在硬盘上。今天我们ZOl服务器频道将对主 … 继续阅读“解析主流SAS RAID卡技术”